Welcome To The South

Yee-Haw! Welcome to the American South
The last time the Habs faced the Carolina Hurricanes they shut them out 3-0 at home.  This time around the game is down in hick-city and Carey Price will be between the pipes instead of Peter Budaj.

I know this may sound totally ridiculous, and it is, but with the way sports radio has been going in Montreal the last two days all eyes will be on Carey Price tonight.  And, to add more fuel to this stupid pathetic fire, apparently yesterday at practice Price totally lost his cool and smashed his stick over the cross bar multiple times.  It was reported that after this incident he started playing better.  Hey, whatever works.

My expectations for two points tonight are super high.  We are playing the top team in the SouthEast, a division that we have been rocking in so far this year.  Also, Boston is playing Toronto tonight which is pretty god awful if you look at the standings.  The Leafs have 30 points, the Bruins 31, and the Habs 32.  That's way too tight.  (I'd use a smilie there but you all can use your imaginations.)  The 'recall' button on my remote is going to get a hefty work out tonight.

Let's get some down home country girls up on the site tonight if the Habs beat the Hurricanes by TWO goals. If Carey Price gets a shut out then I have a feeling the site will become an 18+ roller coaster ride of awesomeness.  Until then, enjoy a free sample courtesy of AngryHockeyFans.

Puck drops at 7 PM and the Habs return to english broadcasts tonight on TSN-Habs.

Enjoy this short documentary about Hurricanes fans:

RIP Stompin Tom:



Iron Man 3 Is Awesome, So Are The Habs

AHF NHL Playoff Bracket