What Day Is It Today?

The Olympics have begun!

The opening ceremonies were this morning and I haven't really seen any of the key moments, other than the Olympic flame being lit by a South & North Korean together.  It was a nice moment prior to the war that will break out between them in the coming months. 

Canada has a 3-1 record at mixed doubles in curling, meanwhile my mixed doubles team suffered a heartbreaking 9-8 loss last night, with a major choke job in the final end.

Spreading more bad news, I cannot win at gambling in 2018.  Wednesday night was the first time I walked away up units at the end of the night.  Last night I was right back to losing.  I need pick advice big time.  We are 10% of the way through 2018 and I've lost at gambling nearly ever single time I try. Pathetic.   

Then I wake up this morning to this graphic:

How's the foot doing, Shea?

The Habs lost, and that's not a surprise to anyone, the tank is a beautiful thing.  It's going wonderfully, especially with Arizona making 3rd period come backs to crush my gambling bets last night.

A ton of stuff to discuss on AngryHockeyFans Podcast tomorrow.



This Is It

Reasons Your Favourite Team Isn't Making The Playoffs