I Hereby Declare Superbowl Weekend On

It's Super Bowl weekend! 

I'm a Patriots fan. A typical first weekend of February...  

Tonight I will do what I always do to kick off Super Bowl weekend, simulate the game on Madden.  

Last years simulation had the Falcons stopping a late Patriots comeback, and squeaking out a 3 point win.


This should be an interesting simulation, because I think it's going to be a fairly low scoring game, maybe not in the first half, but definitely later in the game.

For whatever reason I have been so caught up in the lead up to the game, that I haven't even given a moment of thought to who I am going to take on the point spread.  

For those of you who do not gamble online, and live in the Province of Ontario, OLG has released no line, and no prop bets, and it's Friday morning before the Super Bowl.  

There has been money coming in on the Eagles all week, nothing major, but there is money floating around out there on the Eagles.  I've heard that people are trying to move the Patriots line up so they can make their big bets on Sunday.  The time to bet Pats might be within the next 24 hours. 

We have been blessed the last couple of years to have amazing Super Bowl games to make up for terrible regular season football.  I'm sure the same will be said on Monday morning.


It's been quite a ride this season for Patriots fans this season.  We lost a lot of good players in the off season, and really didn't acquire any studs.  

Pre-Season rolls around and we go 1-3....which means nothing but it was a little ominous.  Was this the year Brady's arm was going to fall off? 

Then through the first four weeks of the season we are 2-2 with losses to the Chiefs and the Panthers, both at home.  The D looks atrocious in September as we allowed 113 points to be scored against us through the first four weeks. 28.25 points per game.  YIKES.  I'm not sure if we had the worst D in the NFL in September but we had to be up there.

Then things started to click as the leaves began to change.  Through the next 4 games the D allowed only 51 points, or 12.75 points per game and it looked like it was time for regular Patriots football.

Then the Jimmy G trade happened.  A pinnacle moment in the Patriots season and perhaps the future of the organization.  He goes to the 49ers are puts up a perfect record.  He was an interception machine, but hey, he is winning games on the coast.  For the next month the Boston media goes mad with every hot take you could possibly imagine.  I'm still not over that trade.  It could become the PK trade of the NFL soon enough.

Rolling through November the games were a breeze, allowing 44 points over the next four games with really none of those games ever being in question.  

The next four games in December are where things got a little scary.  Up until that point my game of the year was against the Texans, way back in September.

The Pats lose to the Dolphins in a bizarre MNF game.  The following week you could argue the Pats also lost to the Steelers on a terrible call by the refs.  At this point the Steelers game takes over from the Texans game as game of the year.

Then on Christmas Eve the Pats struggled against the Bills for a large chunk of the game, and then closed out the season with a nice win over the Jets.  Three of those four games were against the division, and they allowed on average over 18 points a game.  There was a slip, ala the Dolphins, that should have never happened. 

How would things have played out if the refs got the Steelers call right?  The Steelers win the AFC, get a bye and the Pats, possibly go down early in the playoffs?  Not likely, but a much longer path to the Super Bowl would have been a guarantee.

We all know what happened in the playoffs, an easy Titans win, and a scary game against Blake Bortles where it took all of Tom Brady being the GOAT and Amendola stepping up big time to pull out a trip to the Super Bowl.


This was not your classic Patriots team, this was not a classic Patriots season.  Many times this year Brady bailed the team out in the second half of the game.  

They also are representing maybe one of the weakest AFC Conferences of all time.  

Will the Patriots beat the Eagles on Sunday?  It's probable. 

The way I see it, we have the GOAT against another question mark.  First it was Mariota, then Bortles, and now Foles. Out of that group of QB's, Foles is the worst.  Not many people are saying it, the media is siding with the Eagles, all the feel good stories are coming out, but of all the QB's the Pats have faced this post season Foles is the worst.  

Pats by 4.  




Sens Habs playoff Extravaganza

This Is It