All Star Weekend Has Arrived And I Miss The Draft

I'm not sure how many years the NHL did the fantasy draft on Friday night?  Maybe 3?  I know it started in 2011 with Kessel being picked last and Ovie with his blackberry, an all time All Star weekend moment.

As the NHL phased out the draft we had a live concert on TV, which was something I guess...

Now it's Friday night of All Star weekend and we get NOTHING!  This feels empty, and is a big let down.  Friday night they need to keep with the idea of getting the players off the ice and in front of the cameras.  I demand to have player access on Friday night! 

Saturday night will be awesome, I'm a big Skill Competition guy.  

Sunday the All Star game stinks, but it will still be better than that other All Star game happening on Sunday.

Also, can we just bring back East vs. West already?



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